Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Say Cheese!

So I have this insane love for cheese...of any kind! When I'm in the states I'm always eating cheese and of course I always put it on everything. Now that I'm in Thailand I'm having terrible withdrawals...its so expensive here. Between $5-$10 for a few slices of sandwich cheese and block cheese is even more :( Last night we all went to a restaurant that had a salad bar and to my surprise guess what one of the bowls was filled with....cheese!!!! Between myself, Sarah and Jeff, I think we ate the entire bowl. The poor waiter at the salad bar probably thought we were crazy Americans for eating so much cheese!


Anonymous said...

I sooooo agree, April! We had the Hall and Follett young people over the other week and I tried to make as many cheesy dishes as possible!

I'm taking in all this cheesy goodness now, because I know Thailand will force me into saying good-bye to so much yumminess. :)